Вопрос по английскому языку:
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1.where is Scotland situated?
2.What is its capital?
3.What other big cities in Scotland can you name?
4.Whai is the national symbol of the country?
5.Who is its parton saint?
6.What is Scotland washed by?
7.What rivers in Scotland do you know?
8.Whatelse do you know about Scotland?
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- 17.09.2017 00:37
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
1. Scotland is situated off the northwest coast of continental Europe on the northern third of Great Britain.
2. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.
3. Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee are the other big cities I can name.
4. The thistle is the national symbol of Scotland.
5. St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland.
6. Scotland is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and west and by the North Sea in the east.
7. I know the River Tay, the River Clyde and the River Spey.
8. Scotland is well-known for its beautiful landscape and castles, there are many mountains, lakes and waterfalls. Men can often be seen wearing a kilt, which is a traditional skirt-type piece of clothing for men. Bagpipe is the national musical instrument of Scotland which is almost always played during all main ceremonial processions. The most infamous Scottish dish is haggis which is made with the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep and boiled in the animal's stomach.
- 18.09.2017 13:33
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