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- 26.01.2018 15:59
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 11374
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Ответы и объяснения 1
Nowadays healthcare plays an important part in everybody’s life. Healthy lifestyle is promoted all around the world. It is the key to a good future. When people understand that, they will keep a healthy nation and by this will provide themselves a long life.
The state of our bodies depends on how well we care about it. Of course, healthy food, good sleep and emotional balance are the key components of a healthy lifestyle, but you definitely shouldn’t forget about sport. It is not necessary to be an avid sportsman, just some daily morning exercises are enough and your body and spirit will be in tonus!
The excessive alcohol, cigarettes and drug abuse, eating too much fast food and sleep disturbance lead to deterioration of the body. It is prone to the risk of getting different diseases, which can result in not the best consequences in the future.
Everyone wants to live prosperously. For that, you should be healthy not only physically, but also mentally. And to feel confident about your body is a great success! So, we can make a conclusion that the healthy life style activates a life stance, and thereby strengthens the overall state of a person and reduces the frequency of illnesses.
Прочитать еще: http://english-exam.ru/konkursy-sochinenii/4-i-konkurs/v-zdorovom-tele-zdorovyi-duh.html#ixzz2zXgxGObu
- 27.01.2018 01:22
- thumb_up 49
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