Вопрос по английскому языку:
Describe the jobs below. Traffic warden, doctor, policeman, postman, flight attendant, porter, dustman, typist, gardener, teacher, farmer, builder, secretary, pilot, fire fighter, optician, butcher, surgeon
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- 25.08.2018 00:44
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 13175
- thumb_up 6
Ответы и объяснения 1
Traffic warden keeps order on the road, punishes violators.
Doctor heals children and adults.
POLICE works in his office engaged in disclosure of crimes.
postman carries a letter from person to person.
flight attendant works airplanes and provides passengers with food and drink.
dustman by car exports musoriz houses on landfill.
Typist-control train
gardener engaged in work in the garden, landscaping
teacher working in schools teaching children to read and write
farmer working on farms engaged posevos and harvesting, milking cows, striget wool and so on
builders work in construction building houses for people
Secretary is often subordinate who engaged in registration of securities of small and contracts
pilot flying the plane
Fire extinguishes fires saves many lives
optician working in medical center and writes special help for people that they bought glasses
butcher kills animals, cut up their meat
surgeon performs various operations
- 26.08.2018 12:14
- thumb_up 32
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