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- 27.10.2017 07:26
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 13905
- thumb_up 15
Ответы и объяснения 1
My favorite sport Most of all I love swimming . This is very useful sport. Ever since I started to swim , I stopped hurting flu and sore throat . No I is not afraid of cold . Correct posture , improved vision . Also, very nice to swim . Water immediately refreshes , it becomes easy , body obediently skim the surface , you feel strong and agile . Even in a bad mood disappears somewhere . There are several styles of swimming : crawl , breaststroke, butterfly , crawl on the back. And each in its own beautiful and interesting in terms of technology . Developing different muscle groups , improving the coordination of movements . People who are well floating in the water feel almost like a fish. Hands instead of fins , legs in the role of the tail. And if you wear flippers - obtained very similar. Approaching the world of nature , forget human problems .
- 29.10.2017 00:51
- thumb_up 8
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