Вопрос по английскому языку:
Переведите эти предложения в др. времена и поставьте в них другой маркер в том времени,в котором он стоит
1)Now i understand the story
2)It is not cold here now
3)I am not hungry
4)I cannot tell you where my headteacher lives
5)I cannot show you a picture of my cousin
6)Now i can show you the picture of my cousin
7)We can our lunch now
Примечание:(протрансформировать только в пять времён:Pr S/ Fut S/Pr C/ Pr Perfect и в Past simple.!)
Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
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- 17.10.2017 00:08
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 12139
- thumb_up 12
Ответы и объяснения 1
:Pr S/ Fut S/Pr C/ Pr Perfect и в Past simple
1)Now i understand the story - I will understand the story one day in the future - в наст длит нельзя поставить, только если изменить глагол: Now I am trying to understand the story - I have just understood the story - I understood the story yesterday
2)It is not cold here now - It will not be cold here tomorrow - наст длит не бывает - it has not been cold here this week - It was cold here last summer
3)I am not hungry - I will be hungry in an hour - наст длит опять нельзя! - I have been hungry since the morning! - Yesterday I was so hungry
4)I cannot tell you where my headteacher lives - I can not tell you where my headteacher will live next year. - I cannot tell you where my headteacher is living at the moment - I cannot tell you where my headteacher has lived for the last five years. - I cannot tell you where my headteacher lived when she was a child.
5)I cannot show you a picture of my cousin - I will not be able to show you a picture of my cousin - наст длит опять нельзя! - как и перфект тоже! - I could not show you a picture of my cousin
6)Now i can show you the picture of my cousin -???????
7)We can have our lunch now - We will be able to have our lunch in five minutes - наст длит опять нельзя! - как и перфект тоже! - Yesterday we could have our lunch only at 3 pm
- 17.10.2017 18:10
- thumb_up 31
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