Вопрос по английскому языку:
3 Lisa and Christy felt bored and disappointed. It was the _________(THREE) day of the holidays, but nothing exciting had happened yet.
4 “OK,” said Lisa, when they were walking along the narrow, dusty street. “We have to make some entertaining plan. Or we ____________(SPEND) all the holidays doing nothing.
5 Christy was silent for a while then said: “I don’t have any ideas. There __________(BE) nothing to do in this town.
6 Suddenly her mobile ___________. (RING)
7 “My dear Aunt” ____________(WRITE) on the display. For a few minutes, Christy listened. At last she said: “Hold on, I need to discuss it with my friend.” She turned to Lisa.
8 “I think we ___________ (FIND)a way to spend the holidays in a very exciting way. My aunt works at the zoo. They need someone to help them to take care of three new-born tigers. It’s only for a week. Are you ready?”
9 In Itаly, eаch region hаs its own speciаl dishes. In the north for exаmple, you cаn find food thаt is similаr to Germаn cuisine but in the south food is more like Greek аnd ___________(SPAIN) dishes.
10 However, most often Itаly is аssociаted with pizzа and pasta. They are very ____________(TASTE) especially when they are cooked by a good, experienced chef.
11 I also think that Italian ice cream is ____________(DIFFER) from any other the ice cream in the world.
12 The company Grom is perhaps the most well-known______(PRODUCE) of high-quality Italian ice-cream. Their ice-cream is not cheap but it’s worth it.
13 Grom is popular and you can ________(EASY)find their cafes in any guidebook.
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- 17.05.2018 03:17
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 13231
- thumb_up 5
Ответы и объяснения 1
4.we'll spend
7.was written
- 18.05.2018 19:56
- thumb_up 16
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.