Вопрос по английскому языку:
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1 ... mountains in ... Snowdonia National Park are over 400 million years old Snowdon is ..... highest mountain in Wales. There are ..... beautiful valleys and ..... lakes there......
Welsh language and culture is important to local people.
2...... South Downs will become ..... National Park soon......white dialk rock underground has formed ..... wonderful hillsand valleys with ..... beautiful rivers......grassland has ..... lot of flowering plants coastline has nice beaches and cliffs.
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- 23.03.2018 06:26
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 3670
- thumb_up 39
Ответы и объяснения 1
1The mountains in the Snowdonia National Park are over 400 million years old Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales. There are beautiful valleys and lakes there.
Welsh language and culture is important to local people.
2.South Downs will become National Park soon. White dialk rock underground has formed wonderful hillsand valleys with beautiful rivers or grassland has a lot of flowering plants coastline has nice beaches and cliffs.
- 24.03.2018 07:29
- thumb_up 32
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