Вопрос по английскому языку:
Form new words from the words given.
Our (electric) was cut off because we hadn’t paid the bill.He has changed (dramatic) since the last time I saw
him.Young children need their parents’ (protect).She listened (sympathetic) to her friends’ problems.Drivers should drive slowly in bad weather,
(particular) if there is fog.The (locate) of the new office will be in central
London.John’s father (certain) won’t let him use the car
again after he crashed it.His job is very (stress) as it involves a lot of
responsibility.As far as I know he is very rich. He must be a
(million).The house I spent my (child) in, has been demolished.
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- 03.04.2018 15:15
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 19770
- thumb_up 35
Ответы и объяснения 1
Electricity, dramatically, protection, sympatheticly, particularly, location, certainly, stressful, millionaire, childhood
- 04.04.2018 05:15
- thumb_up 34
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