Вопрос по английскому языку:
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The Russia today TV channel provides English-speaking audiences with the latest ____
about what's happening ins Russia and in the world around . Russia Today is the first English language channel which _______ 24 hours a day . Millions of people watch Russia Today to learn what other ______ are not likely to present . Every day on Russia Today there is a three-minute talk . The Media Mirror abot the Russian ________ . From this ____ programme TV viewers can learn about the most remarkable stories this appear in this country`s leading newspapers. More than 300 Russian and foreign journalists wor for the ______. Among others the team includes George Watts , a famos radio Moscow presenter whose voice thousands of _________ listeners know very wel . The Russia Today channel is available on the cable ________ in practically every country of Europe . Russia Today can also be watched ___________ . On ___________ , 90 million pay Tv wiewer watch russia today _________.
average daily
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- 21.11.2017 10:34
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 12046
- thumb_up 20
Ответы и объяснения 1
The Russia Today TV channel provides English-speaking audiences with the latest newsabout what`s happening in Russia and in the world around.Russia Today is the first English language channel which transmits 24 hours a day. Millions of people watch Russion Today to learn what other channels are not likely to present.Every day on Russia Today there is a three-minute talk The Media Mirror about the Russian press. From this daily programme TV viewers can learn about the most remarkable stories that appear in this country`s leading newspapers . More than 300 Russian and foreigh journalists work for the radio. Among others the team includes George Watts a famous Radio Moscow presenter whose voice thousands of media listeners know very well. The Russia Tiday channel is available on the cable network in practically every country of Europe. Russia Today can also be watched worldwide. On average 90 million pay TV viewers watch Russia Today online.
- 22.11.2017 21:37
- thumb_up 3
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