Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите!Эссе!a person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter
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- 22.09.2018 02:06
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 16505
- thumb_up 32
Ответы и объяснения 1
Небольшое вступление: этой ночью я не спала, поскольку смотрела премьеру Шерлока. Вдохновение направила на написание сочинения :D Учу инглиш с 5 класса в обычной школе, так что тут может быть куча ошибок. Но я старалась)
A lot of people think that a person who really knows a foreign language has no problems with working as an interpreter. On the other hand, there are people who believe that you have to have special skills for that job. Who is right?
I would like to express my opinion. To my mind, you will not have great difficulties with working as an interpreter if you know language well. Firstly, you have no problems with understanding both languages (your native language and foreign language). If you can understand something in one language you can translate it into another. Secondly, everyone who knows foreign language already has some kind of translation experience. All of us translate sentences and texts from one language into another while we are learning.
However, many people believe that you cannot work as an interpreter if you have no certain skills. To begin with, an interpreter has a lot of problems with translation. You have to have special skills to know how you can translate some expressions which may not be in another language. Furthermore, the speed of translation may be insufficient. You can understand all but you will not be able to translate it in the same time to another person.
I do not agree with them because a little practice makes a person who is fluent in a foreign language in an interpreter.
To sum up, we should admit there are different points of view on this question. It seems to me that a person who is good in foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.
- 23.09.2018 15:59
- thumb_up 42
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