Вопрос по английскому языку:
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what do you imagine your life will be like 10 years from now?
message I don't know I don't know, maybe a superstar.
name js
message In 10 years, life will be good for everyone and happiness will be eternal.
name: MOI!!
message: I will have 10 billion dollars
name: rhiujhfjsdnjfhsjld
message: I imagine myself as a civil engineer, designing and building houses and public/ private places. I can picture my future as a succesful wife, person, mom and human being. Having a lot of friends; taking care of my parents. Helping people=)
name: Madelaine
message: well, hopefully, my life will be good. I will find the love of my life and most importantly, I will be happy.
name: [email protected]
massage: I think I will be a heart surgeon and will be living in a 9million$house.
name: anonymous
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- 16.07.2018 00:06
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 17797
- thumb_up 29
Ответы и объяснения 1
Some teenagers speaking about future and their dreams are not definite: "I don't know... maybe I'll be a superstar", "well, hopefully, my life will be good. I will find the love of my life and most importantly, I will be happy".
Another part speaks about general things: "In 10 years, life will be good for everyone and happiness will be eternal". Many speak about having great money or expencive things: 'I will have 10 billion dollars", "I think I will be a heart surgeon and will be living in a 9million$house". And the least part can draw a picture of their future life: "I imagine myself as a civil engineer, designing and building houses and public/private places. I can picture my future as a successful wife, person, mom and human being. Having a lot of friends; taking care of my parents. Helping people". But to be successful means to make clear plans. So, draw a picture of your future in details and you'll get the life you want quicker!
- 17.07.2018 15:51
- thumb_up 9
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