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My grandfather has a room all to himself. It is at the end of a long hall away from our rooms. Mother says it is good for him to be alone because it gives him time to himself. But I don’t understand why he wants to sit by himself in his chair in the middle of the room. My grandfather calls me Pete though I am a six-year-old girl, because he says I am smart as any boy.
I like to come into my granddad’s room before I go to my bedroom at night. There are so many interesting things in his room. There is a bookcase full of interesting books and magazines ^with pictures.ometimes our neighbours come to see my granddad. Then he comes out to the sitting room to meet them and they sit at the big round table in the middle of the room, they have tea and talk. I like my neighbours, only one of them speaks very loudly and always goes to the kitchen to wash up the tea things. I don’t really like her.
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- 25.08.2018 03:47
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 11153
- thumb_up 36
Ответы и объяснения 1
My grandfather has a room all to himself away from our rooms. Mother says it is good for him. He wants to sit by himself in his chair in the middle of the room.
I like to come into his room before I go to my bedroom. There are so many interesting things there. There is a bookcase full of books and magazines.Sometimes our neighbours come to see my granddad. They they have tea and talk. I like my neighbours, only one of them speaks very loudly and always goes to the kitchen to wash up the tea things. I don’t really like her.
- 26.08.2018 19:33
- thumb_up 13
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