Вопрос по английскому языку:
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100-120 слов
..Last month I went to London with my class-mates. I didn’t like the hotel at all. It was too noisy and the food was awful. But all the excursions were very interesting. We saw the British Museum, Buckingham Palace and other sights of London. But in spite of some drawbacks we enjoyed our holiday very much.
...Have you ever been to England? What other countries have you been to? What can a tourist see in Russia?
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- 14.06.2018 02:38
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 1832
- thumb_up 48
Ответы и объяснения 1
London is a beautiful city full of attractions. We were walking thought st James park and soon we came to a big observation wheel which is called London eye. When we reached the top of the wheel I was able to see almost all the centre of London . The riew was fantastic and I was. So impressed that I thought I would never forget it .i could see of parliament Big Ben different bridges and other beautiful building.afterwards we went to madam Tussaud. The most interesting it that we went on a red bus. There were a lot of wax figure of different celebrities. Wax figure are very relastic . We took some photos with them.i divided that I will necessarily. Go there once again.
- 15.06.2018 05:14
- thumb_up 42
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