Вопрос по английскому языку:
6. His secretary (take) the paper from the table where he (put) it, and ( go ) out. 7.. It (be) near midnight when they (come) in from dinner, still laughing at something he (say) in the dining-room. 8. it (be) two o'clock. Eliza (be) suddenly thoroughly awake. She (sit) up in her bed and (circle) her knees with her arms. It (rain), the way it (rain) for days. 9. In his turn Jolyon (look) back at his son. He (want) to talk about many things that he (be) unable to talk about all these years. 10. She (be) at the station after all, standing just as he (imagine), apart from the others.
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- 08.08.2018 23:49
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 1538
- thumb_up 41
Ответы и объяснения 1
6. His secretary took the paper from the table where he had put it, and went out. 7.. It was near midnight when they came in from dinner, still laughing at something he had said in the dining-room. 8. it was two o'clock. Eliza was suddenly thoroughly awake. She sat up in her bed and circled her knees with her arms. It was raining, the way it had been raining for days. 9. In his turn Jolyon looked back at his son. He wanted to talk about many things that he had been unable to talk about all these years. 10. She was at the station after all, standing just as he had imagined, apart from the others.
- 09.08.2018 03:25
- thumb_up 26
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