Вопрос по английскому языку:
What can you say about the ecological problems of the Caspian Sea?
Example: I think the water is polluted.
If pollution increases increases fish will die.
1.) l think the air is polluted.
If ___________.
2.) l think the our health is in danger.
If ___________.
3) I think the you'll kill fish.
4) i think the you'll destroy the land and sea world.
If ________________.
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- 15.09.2018 01:47
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 14422
- thumb_up 73
Ответы и объяснения 1
1.) l think the air is polluted.
If the air pollution increases it will be difficult to breath and people will get ill more often and die earlier.
2.) l think the our health is in danger.
If our health is in dange we will take care of it more thoroughly.
3) I think the you'll kill fish.
If you kill fish we will have nothing to eat soon.
4) I think the you'll destroy the land and sea world.
If you destroy the land and sea world we will have to leave our planet and go to Mars, for example.
- 16.09.2018 16:31
- thumb_up 42
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