Вопрос по английскому языку:
Вместо ___ нужно вставить данные слова: flute, flutist, music, musicians (2) piano, pianist, orchestra, orchestral, cello, cellist
Once I was at a classical _____ concert. Well, I'm not really into it but I had to go instead of my sister bacause she suddenly got very sick and she couldn't go. The ___ were wearing very smart clothes and the audience, too,was dressed very well. I was lucky, it wasn't an ___. I hate _____ music. If it had been it, it'd have made me bored I'm afraid. There were three ___. First there was a _____.. He played the ____ very expressively, that's why it was hard to fall asleep. I was watching his arms — I can't imagine how people can play an instrument so fast! Then, he played a duet with a ____ . They played really well. I like the little ___ the best! At the end of the concert there was a woman____. I didn't like her much. She was so big that her chair took half the space and the ____ she was playing made me sleepy.
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- 06.01.2018 16:16
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 15344
- thumb_up 40
Ответы и объяснения 1
- 07.01.2018 17:04
- thumb_up 5
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