Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите составить предложения для проектаМожно на русском, можно и на английском.10 предложений. Тема: Мои планы на будущее.
Подумайте об образовательных возможностях, предоставляемых в вашем регионе для учащихся, которые получили базовое образование.Составьте список школ, которые обеспечивают профессиональное образование.Подумайте о преимуществах получения профессионального образования и полного среднего образования.Каковы ваши друзья собираетесь делать? Сделайте обследование.Что вы собираетесь делать? Объясните свой выбор.
My plans for the future
Think about educational opportunities that are provided in your region for pupils who got basic education.
Make a list of schools that provide professional education.
Think about the advantages of getting professional education and complete secondary education.
What are your friends going to do? Make a survey.
What are you going to do? Explain your choice.
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- 19.04.2018 13:39
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
Aristotle, one of the great Greek philosophers, once said;"the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet". So, it takes great efforts of the person to become an educated one. I consider that it is really a treasure to have education. Not in vain the proverb says: ' Better unborn than untaught." In my opinion, it is very difficult and takes a lot of time to get good knowledge and become a useful person for the country you live in. Really. it advances by steps and not by leaps and bounds. To my mind, it is a long hard work. For example , a pupil who wants to obtain USE. to have good marks and certainly good knowledge to be ready to enter the University needs 11 years of hard diligent everyday work. Another example can be great poets and scientists who spent all the life creating their masterpieces and only after that they could prove that they are really genius and have enough knowledge to be useful and necessary for their own country. Therefore, they can be called true sons of their country.
So, I would tend to think that it is never too late to learn, although it takes lots of time and efforts. From my points of view, we should always remember that knowledge is power and it is not a burden
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Getting a good education is also a very important value for me. For the last 20 to 30 years, my family has suffered through a war and lost almost everything. Now education has given me a chance to get some of these things back.
- 20.04.2018 17:42
- thumb_up 26
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