Вопрос по английскому языку:
Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect или Past 1п<1фпйе.
1. I (read) that book three times.
2. She (go) home three days ago.
3. I (meet) Mr.and Shelley.
4. She (start) school in 1984.
5. I (leave) the office early last night.
6. He (see) the film before.
7. (Yoube) to Austria?
8. (You see) the film on TV last night?
9. When (you arrive) in London?
10. John (be) to Germany before.
11. (You read) this book before?
12. I (not see) him yesterday.
13. I never (go) anywhere by plane until now.
14. (You hear) their new record? It's the best they've ever made.
15. I (not know) about the disco last night.
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- 13.01.2018 14:48
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 15195
- thumb_up 47
Ответы и объяснения 2
1. I have raed that book three times
2. She went home three days ago
3. I have met Mr. and Shelley
4. She started school in 1984
5. I left the office early last night
6. He has seen the film before
7. Have you ever been to Austria?
8. Did you see the film on TV last night?
9. When did you arrive in Londin?
10. jonh have been to Germany before
11. have you read this book before?
12. I didnt see him yesterday
13. I have never gone anywhere by plane untill now
14. Have heard theire record?
15. I didnt know about disco last night
- 14.01.2018 13:34
- thumb_up 24
1. I have read that book three times.
2. She went home three days ago.
3. I met Mr. and Shelley (или: have met - нет временных рамок в примере).
4. She started school in 1984.
5. I left the office early last night.
6. He has seen the film before.
7. Have you ever been to Austria?
8. Did you see the film on TV last night?
9. When did you arrive in Londin?
10. Jonh has never been to Germany before.
11. Have you read this book before?
12. I didnt see him yesterday.
13. I have never gone anywhere by plane untill now.
14. Have you heard about their record? It's the best they've ever made.
15. I didn't know about disco last night.
- 14.01.2018 23:37
- thumb_up 1
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