Вопрос по английскому языку:
Прочти предложения и скажи где артикль the употреблён правильно а где нет.
1.We are going to stay at a hotel which is near the River Thames.
2. We want to visit all the famous sights.
3.I can't wait to see Buckingham Palace and Big Ben.
4. We also want to visit the Tower of London.
5. My mum says that the food in the UK is delicions.
6. So,I'm going to try the fish and chips.I can't wait .
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- 17.02.2018 05:37
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 7254
- thumb_up 46
Ответы и объяснения 2
1.We are going to stay at a hotel which is near the River Thames. правильно
2. We want to visit all the famous sights. правильно
3.I can't wait to see Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. правильно
4. We also want to visit the Tower of London. правильно
5. My mum says that the food in the UK is delicions. правильно
6. So,I'm going to try the fish and chips.I can't wait . правильно
- 18.02.2018 13:56
- thumb_up 40
1.We are going to stay at a hotel which is near the River Thames. - правильно
2.We want to visit all the famous sights. - нeпpaвильнo.
We want to visit all famous sights - тaк пpaвильнo.
3.I can't wait to see Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. - правильно
4.We also want to visit the Tower of London. - правильно
5.My mum says that the food in the UK is delicious. - нeпpaвильнo.
My mum says that food in the UK is delicious. - тaк пpaвильнo.
6. So, I'm going to try the fish and chips. I can't wait. - нeпpaвильнo.
So, I'm going to try fish and chips. I can't wait. - тaк пpaвильнo.
- 19.02.2018 00:54
- thumb_up 42
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