Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите, необходимо сочинение по английскому на тему парикмахерские и салоны красоты
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- 19.08.2018 15:11
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 1020
- thumb_up 74
Ответы и объяснения 1
Вот что получилось..как то так..
Number of hairdressers and beauty salons in the last few years is a legitimate question. How is it that people used to cope with hair dozen of public service enterprises, even with queues or writing to a particular master. Now look no-no and stumbles upon standing at roadside billboards, which only yesterday was: women's, men's, children's haircut, manicure-pedicure. And increase the number of "tsiryulen" comes not only from the low-cost small zalchike, but also by prestigious shops, attend who can not afford and some successful businessmen. On the other hand, the human need to remove excess hair from the development of market relations has not disappeared. People continue to visit the hairdresser, even though many wives have become accustomed themselves to handle a pair of scissors in order to save the family budget.
There has been quite a significant stratification of the service. Based on the pricing, which is almost directly related to the quality of service, there are three major groups hairdressers: cheap, medium and expensive, which often called beauty treatment because of an integrated approach to the exterior of the client.
Start a business plan is never too early. It is not necessary to delay the case until recently, because the work on this document requires concentration and does not like to rush. In addition, writing a detailed business plan is often deeper understanding of strategy, and in the process to correct flaws, all of this also takes time. Serious work on the document, for example, helps you learn more about their competitors: many new businesses starting this section of the document, understand that they have no idea about their competitors, the value of their companies, basic operations, etc.
When a new project for the creation of any existing business plan begins with the design of its structure. If you prepare a draft plan will be made available to investors or to the bank for a loan, then the structure must be designed in accordance with accepted standards.
- 19.08.2018 23:51
- thumb_up 37
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