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- 24.02.2018 08:43
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 16629
- thumb_up 27
Ответы и объяснения 1
. Ahead of the one-quarter - and school sksnchatsya. I'm going to graduate. On the one hand, it's nice because you feel like an adult, with another - disturbing, because soon will not be next to my classmates and favorite teachers, and consequently - to choose a long journey, which will have to go on their own. Until now, I was sure that tastefully chosen profession - is very important. Not to say that I now think differently, but looking at the difficult financial situation of my family - my parents are teachers - I'm starting to wonder whether or not reasonable to choose a profession that like? Perhaps to go there with a lot of money?
You've probably already realized that I also like the teaching profession. Many wonder: how can watching a thankless job, to pursue this profession? Especially annoying my choice grandmother. "The teacher - is sleepless nights over notebooks, it is ingratitude of students and their parents, it is ruined nerves and health, is poverty - often likes to say it - is not life, but a real horror!"
I must say that, considering his grandmother's words, I largely agree with it. As I can remember, my mother was sitting, leaning over the pupillary notebooks. At home, we rarely see it, because after school, she hurries to the literary circle, which holds a ninth-grade students, the tutoring, the homeroom at some meeting. The same can be said of the Pope: notebooks, classes, lessons, notebooks ...
And the most annoying that if you look at the material side of the profession of my parents, it is sad. Buy yourself some new clothes mom can very rarely. Usually only for the first day of school. But she is still young and so beautiful woman.
On all sides you hear: "Now live, only those who are sitting on the market." A lot of my classmates dreams of professional secretary at the head of some of the secured non-state firms. There are also those who learn well. And as a result the same argument: "I want to go to the store and at least occasionally buy a banana." At first I was hurt and ashamed of them, and then remembered the taste of a banana, and I desperately thought that the last time he ate about three months ago. Resentment and shame for her friends are gone.
Of course, the way to choose the most, so you do not blame anyone, but the guide - I'm at a crossroads.
- 25.02.2018 10:20
- thumb_up 6
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