Вопрос по английскому языку:
помогите пожалуйста сделать КРАТКИЙ ПЕРЕСКАЗ текста на английском? ОЧЕНЬ НАДО!!! HELP ME!!!! But the existence of abundant natural resources and a skillful and willing labor force accounts for only part of an economic system structure. The resources must be directed as efficiently as possible into the areas where they will be most productive: In the economies of main English-speaking countries, managers of enterprises responding to signals from market perform this function. The corporation as a voluntary association of owners known as stockholders has proved to be an effective device for accumulating funds for investment. All free market economies run in a cycle, one not so much of boom and bust’ as of expansion and contraction. Looked at over time, this rise and fall of the economies can be charged with a certain regularity devoid of a matching precision. Forecasting just when they will enter a new phase, such as recession or growth, remains more art than science. Now the economies of English-speaking countries stand at different stages of the cycle. However, despite periodic recessions or depressions, they have continued to grow over time
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- 03.07.2018 17:50
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 9598
- thumb_up 70
Ответы и объяснения 1
Natural resources and a labor force must be directed as efficiently as possible, because it represents an important part of economic system structure. In the economies of main English-speaking countries, managers of enterprises perform this function.
All free market economies run in a cycle.Now the economies of English-speaking countries stand at different stages of the cycle.
However, despite periodic recessions or depressions, they have continued to grow over time
- 04.07.2018 12:20
- thumb_up 42
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