Вопрос по английскому языку:
Your time,energy,relationships, and finances are your most valuable assets. Handling them wisely enhances your ability to succeed.прошу помочь
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- 08.03.2018 10:53
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
Time to do what? Make money, have fun, build relationships, find a spiritual place to grow or time to fritter. If we view "time” as an asset, we see it in a different manner…it’s different…more powerful…filled with possibilities. We structure our lives around the 24-hour clock, which makes it easier to view our lives through the time belt.We have a limited amount of time and once it is gone, it is gone for ever. We cannot get more of it, no matter what you do. It can be said that the quality of our time is determined by the way we spend this precious resource. Time, in a way, is lock money. It can be either spent or invested. Investing our time or money wisely, will get a greater return in the future.Personal strategic planning and thinking give us the tools to ensure that we achieve the highest return on time invested.
Our time represents a choice. We must be extremely jealous of our time. We must downsize and eliminate all activities that no longer represent the highest and best use of our time if we want to get the highest return on energy in our life and career.Since I believe that is my most valuable asset, all other assets are derivative of time. Depending on what I want to develop in my life – finances, relationship, physical well-being or spiritual development all come from time.
At the end of this day, when we lay our head on the pillow, we just spent 24-hour from your "time account.” Treasure our time as we would a prince less asset because it is – priceless!
- 09.03.2018 15:48
- thumb_up 12
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