Вопрос по английскому языку:
перевести прямую речь в косвенную( на английском). к завтрашнему дню. срочноо, ребят
He said(отец): "Bring me the bundle of sticks"
He asked: "Can you break then bundle of sticks."
The son said: "No, father, I can`t."
Father: "Give the bundle to your brother perhaps one of them can do it."
"Can you break one stick?"
"Union is strength"
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- 13.10.2017 17:50
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 2500
- thumb_up 18
Ответы и объяснения 2
He told to bring him the bundle of sticks.
He asked if I could break bundle of sticks.
The son answered that he couldn`t.
Father asked to give the bundle to my brother to see if one of them could do it.
He asked if I could break one stick.
He said that union is strength.
- 14.10.2017 09:50
- thumb_up 11
The father asked the son to bring him a bundle of sticks.
He asked if the son could break the bundle of sticks.
The son answered (that) he couldn't do it.
The father asked the son to give the bundle to his brother to see whether one of them could do it.
He asked if the son could break on stick.
He said union is strength. (время не меняется, так как это общеизвестная истина)
- 15.10.2017 05:41
- thumb_up 8
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