Вопрос по английскому языку:
1) we WILL BE SINGING our FAVORITE songs the whole morning tomorrow
2) children WROTE the composition THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY
3) OUR family is having BREAKFAST now
4)STUDENTS were being AT THE MEETING at 4 o clock yesterday
5) SHE will discuss THIS PROBLEM at the meeting tomorrow
6) my brother always translates DIFFICULT texts AT THE LESSONS
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- 27.06.2018 00:06
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 17048
- thumb_up 17
Ответы и объяснения 1
Will we be singing our favourite songs the whole morning tomorrow?
What will we be doing the whole morning tomorrow?
What songs will we be singing the whole morning tomorrow?
We will be singing our favourite songs the whole morning tomorrow, won't we?
Did children write the composition the day before yesterday?
What did children do the day before yesterday?
When did children write the composition?
Children wrote the composition the day before yesterday, didn't they?
Is our family having breakfast now?
Whose family is having breakfast now?
What is our family is having now?
Our family is having breakfast now, isn't it?
Were students being at the meeting at 4 o'clock yesterday?
Who was being at the meeting at 4 o'clock yesterday?
Where were students being at 4 o'clock yesterday?
Students were being at the meeting at 4 o'clock yesterday, weren't they?
Will she discuss this problem at the meeting tomorrow?
Who will discuss this problem at the meeting tomorrow?
What will she discuss at the meeting tomorrow?
She will discuss this problem at the meeting tomorrow, won't she?
Does my brother always translate difficult texts at the lessons?
What texts does my brother always translate at the lessons?
When does my brother always translate difficult texts?
My brother always translates difficult texts at the lessons, doesn't he?
- 28.06.2018 21:56
- thumb_up 40
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.