Вопрос по английскому языку:
1. I ..........hard, so I felt very tired.
a) had worked b) have worked c) had been working
2. I........ my money into real estate.
a) invested b) have invested c) invest
3. We already........the goods when your telegram arrived.
a) have shipped b) had shipped c) shipped
4. The invoice ........ by the end of the week so we sent them a strong reminder.
a) had arrived b) hasn't arrived c) hadn't arrived
5. I ..........nothing in the Internet this month.
a) have bought b) didn't buy c) haven't bought
6. This strategy seems to be good. Sales of our products......... for
some time.
a) have increased b) have been increasing c) had been increasing
7. The price of petrol ......down by about 1%.
a) had gone b) has gone c) has been gone
8. Mark........at a company for seven years before he started his own business.
a) was working b) has been working c) had been working
Поставить в пассив
1. Kerrie has paid the bill.
The bill ......... by Kerrie.
a) was paid b) has been paid
2. Our boss will sign the contract.
The contract .........by our boss.
a) will sign b) will be signed
3. Sales were rising fast when our sales manager left the company.
Sales were rising fast when the company........ by our sales manager.
a) was left b) left
4. They sell the gold on international markets.
The gold........on international markets.
a) is sold b) sells
5. When I came, they were signing the contract.
When I came, the contract .........
a) was being signed b) was signed
Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
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- 22.04.2018 23:33
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 1952
- thumb_up 23
Ответы и объяснения 1
2. I........ my money into real estate. a) invested b) have invested c) invest все 3 подходят
3. We ........the goods when your telegram arrived. b) had already shipped
4. The invoice ........ by the end of the week so we sent them a strong reminder. c) hadn't arrived
5. I ..........nothing in the Internet this month. a) have bought
6. This strategy seems to be good. Sales of our products......... for
some time. a) have increased b) have been increasing оба
7. The price of petrol ......down by about 1%. a) had gone b) has gone оба
8. Mark........at a company for seven years before he started his own business. g c) had been working
1. b) has been paid
2. b) will be signed
3. a) was left
4. a) is sold
5. a) was being signed
- 23.04.2018 12:47
- thumb_up 21
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